We are grateful to our talented team that helps make our vibrant nonprofit hub a reality. For questions, please contact us at 520-770-7898.
Campus Staff
Georgia Schwartz, Campus Manager
Georgia joined the CFSA Finance team in October 2018. After a brief stint as a grant writer, Georgia realized she preferred giving out money over asking for it. Georgia brings more than 30 years of experience in accounting, organization, and program management to her work at the Community Foundation Campus.
CFSA Advisors
Missy Bowden
Missy Bowden has been the Chief Financial Officer for the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona since 2013. She previously spent 25 years in banking, the last 17 of which as Chief Financial Officer of the Bank of Tucson and Vice President of Bank Performance for Capital Bancorp Ltd. where she was a “virtual” CFO to multiple banks in the Western US. She developed an interest in working in the nonprofit sector by serving on the board of La Paloma Family Services for 11 years. She also served on the board of the Arizona Center for the Study of Children and Families.